HBP Painting Contractors

HBP Painting Contractors

Seller since 2022
HBP Painting Contractors was initially founded in 1983 by the Hartrum Brothers. The painting services grew and became known as a trusted painting business, known for exceptional work at fair prices. Thirty-eight years later, Richard's son, Cody, took the helm under HBP Painting Contractors' new name. We continue to carry on the tradition of providing outstanding service, high-quality workmanship, and dedication towards an excellent customer service experience. We proudly offer interior painting, exterior painting, cabinet painting, commercial painting, and deck staining and painting services
Missouri, St. Charles County, Ofallon, 63366, 806 Mid Point Dr. OFallon MO
Cash, Visa, Mastercard
Mo: 8-4:30
Tu: 8-4:30
We: 8-4:30
Th: 8-4:30
Fr: 8-4:30
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